I am very raggedy looking these days...my fur is a mess and I don't like my mommy to comb me...cause a lot of times it hurts. Or, I just want to play with that long toothy looking thing...Purrrrr...I know it's my winter fur knotting up cause I'm all bushed up this time of year...but it does seem worse this time....I'm not sure why....I'm not doing anything different than I ever do, you know? It just seems more knottsy and raggedy than I remember it ever being before...

See all that raggedy stuff? And it's long, long, long, too...I just don't know. Well, there's nothing that I can do about it so I'll stop talking about it now.... So, what's new with you?
Almost Well!My Mommy is almost well so I can do other things now, like stalk some little piece of paper, or go up on one of my condo's, or just relax and take a nap...I still think that napping is the most fun. Don't you? I'm on my way to one of my properties now...I'll see you when I get there...
Now, I'm ready to settle down, I think....well....maybe and maybe not...
Oh, Oh Oh.....I knew I seed something out of the corner of my....I'll nap later...Puuuuuurrrrrr....
I have been busy nursing my mommy...she is sick! She is a little better, but not as well as I need her to be. So, I am helping to heal her by lying on her lap and legs....she always seems very happy when I do that. I can't hear her purr, but I know she is....I want her to be really really really really REALLY well....say some kitty prayers, please.Puuuurrrrrrr.