I Is Sorry!

Sorry I have been away from my blog...but I have been busy trying to shed some of these big clumps of fur....it takes a lot of my energy but that's okay cause in between I go hunting and poking around looking for my toys...heh heh heh....Puuuuurrrr.

Here are a few of these fun things...almost all of them were gifties. Like the heart that has squares on it? My Secret Paws sent that to me at Christmastime...
And the little pretty ball you see here down below....Isn't that a pretty color? My Mommy says it is her favorite color and if she could she would get me a collar in that color...but then she said she wouldn't bother cause it would be covered up by all my beautiful fur...She is right I'm afraid, but maybe she could find a kercheirf in that color for me...I think it would look really pretty on me even though I probably wouldn't like it hanging around my neck...heh heh heh..

and this purrty 'jack' , as well...

This is a pretty color too, isn't it? And I have another jack that is a pretty green color as well...(my mommy says my love of color was inherited from her...more heh heh heh, like I have her DNA....yeah, Right!)....These toys I just showeded you were all a part of my Secret Paws Easter Present...Fun Fun Fun.....Puuuurrrrrrrr....
Okay. Back to shedding.