bye bye.............

I know it was hard on my Mommy, too...But, we weathered it all.....!

Well, who wouldn't like that? My Mommy and I had lots of great times together. But here's the thing: Recently, there did seem to be a problem in my insides. Finally, after a week or two---she got it! She got that there was a BIG problem....It had only been there about a month---hard to know if it was my old IBD or, something else. But she knew.
Long story short: There was a "Biggie" sized marble of cancer in my colon......(painful...!)...Mommy knew there was something wrong besides the IBD. They operated...took out the bad marble, but....where they reattached my intestines---(GOOD GRAVY MARIE..!!!!)...there was leakage into my tummy---bad stuff...stuff they couldn't clean out...So my dear Mommy made the decision to let me cross over the Rainbow Bridge because that was the only thing to do for me.....And you know what? I am so deeply grateful to her....we were together. I was right up against her---comfy and cozy as always---relaxed...Yes! I was totally relaxed....And then.....I crossed over. I am Sooooo Happy Now.....I am running around---out of pain, and having a Ball! Thank You My Dear Mommy......

Listen.....we had twelve and half wonderful years together.....And I had a GREAT Life. And, in a way, dear Momma, we are still together and we always will be---Always, Always......
And guess what? For me? No more pain. No more pills! I'm having a wonderful time here in Cat Heaven.....So, I thank you my dear loving Mommy-person...I thank you with all my heart, and say....So long for now....I know I will see you again, my dear Mom-Mom.....Meanwhile, think of me having a great time with Sugar and Teeny and Silky and Baby and Mooney.....
So.......Bye Bye for now, my dear dear...........